Cat # No. Product Name CAS Number Package List Price (CNY) Remarks
MG46077 Bortezomib
179324-69-710mg2160.001 weeks
Product overview
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Purity : ≥ 99%
Molecular Weight  :  384.24
Formula : C19H25BN4O4
Bortezomib is a selective and robust 26S proteasome inhibitor, that is a boronic acid dipeptide derivative. Human pancreatic cancer cell studies demonstrate Bortezomib to inhibit the PKR-like endoplasmic reticulum (ER) kinase and enhance ER stress, leading to apoptosis. Studies suggest that Bortezomib affects the gene expression of WT1, and blocks the function of human plasmacytoid DCs through the inhibition of intracellular trafficking of Toll-like receptors and modification of the ER homeostasis. Additionally, Bortezomib has been reported to inhibit necrosis and cell proliferation, and downregulate metastatic gene expression. Bortezomib is an inhibitor of 20S Proteasome.
Storage condition
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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