Cytochalasin D
Cat # No. Product Name CAS Number Package List Price (CNY) Remarks
MCP199 Cytochalasin D
22144-77-0500UG480In stock
22144-77-01MG625In stock
22144-77-05MG2758In stock
Product overview
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Molecular Weight : 507.62    Formula : C30H37NO6
Purity ≥98%

Cytochalasin D is used in actin polymerization studies and cytological research. Cytochalasins are fungal toxins characterized by a highly substituted hydrogenated isoindole ring to which is fused a macrocyclic ring. They are believed to bind to the barbed end of actin filaments resulting in inhibition of both the association and dissociation of subunits. Cytochalasin D is about 10-fold more effective than cytochalasin B and does not inhibit monosaccharide transport across cell membranes. Treatment of cells with cytochalasin D results in rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of fish (SH3PXD2A), along with activation of Src. Cytochalasin D has been shown to increase intracellular Ca2+ levels and to activate p53-dependent pathways, causing arrest of the cell cycle. It may also act as an inhibitor of DNA synthesis, thyroid secretion, and growth hormone release.

Storage condition
-20° C

For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures. 

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