Cytochalasin B
Cat # No. Product Name CAS Number Package List Price (CNY) Remarks
MCP8771 Cytochalasin B
14930-96-21MG350In stock
14930-96-25MG820In stock
14930-96-210MG1155In stock
Product overview
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Molecular Weight : 479.61    Formula : C29H37NO5
Purity ≥98%
Cytochalasin B is used in actin polymerization studies and cytological research. Cytochalasin B is a metabolite of the fungus Drechslera dematoidea which binds to the barbed end of actin filaments resulting in inhibition of both the association and dissociation of subunits. As opposed to other Cytochalasins, cytochalasin A and Cytochalasin B bind to the glucose transporter and inhibit monosaccharide transport across the plasma membrane. Cytochalasin B inhibits phagocytosis by both mononuclear phagocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
Storage condition
-20° C
For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures. 
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