Horse Serum Heat-Inactivated
Cat # No. Product Name CAS Number Package List Price (CNY) Remarks
MH3500 Horse Serum Heat-Inactivated
-100ml325In stock
Product overview
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Horse serum is pooled from a normal donor herd. Normal horse serum may be used as a blocking agent and controls in immunoassays. For immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry, 10% horse serum was used as blocking agent in various Studies.

Product Overview
1 : Horses are bled in an enclosed facility that is specially equipped for aseptic collection;
2 : Coggins tests for equine infectious anemia are routinely performed on each horse;
3 : Sterile filtered using three sequential 100nm (0.1μm) pore-size rated filters;

Shipping Condition :
Wet Ice

Storage conditions :

Product manual MSDS COA Reference